Oky Doky…

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 persons at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
1.How are you feeling today?
Guano Apes- Lords of the Boards… dap…
2.Will you get far in life?
Helloween- Going Home… acu ce sa zic? ca o sa stau acasa sau ca o sa umblu mult si o sa vin des acasa?
3.How do your friends see you?
HIM- Resurrection- inaltator sentiment
4.Will you get married?
Cargo- Ziua Vrajitoarelor… pe care-l vrajesc?
5.What is your best friend’s theme song?
HIM- For You… my best friend, of course she’s there 4 me… I’m selfish
6.What is the story of your life?
Nightwish- The Siren… I’m a fish, I’m a fish… sau imi place la mare, o luati cum vreti
7.What was high school like?
Skid Row- In a Darkened Room… ei nu chiar , a fost preety much ok
8.How can you get ahead in life?
HIM- Salt in Our Wounds(Thulsa Doom Rmx)…I’ll be evil I tell u

9.What is the best thing about your friends?
The 69 Eyes- Brandon Lee… nu pricep cum ar putea fi asa

10.What is in store for this weekend?
HIM- In Joy and Sorrow… ce dragutz

11.What song describes you?
HIM- Don’t Close Your Heart… never did, nici macar nu vreau sa fac asta

12.To describe your grandparents?
Hammerfall- Templars of Steel… old fashion si conservatori? Bunicile ca pe bunici nu i-am cunoscut.

13.How is your life going?
HIM- This Fortress of Tears- crying is the thing I do best… even an evil one has her sensitive part
14.What song will they play at your funeral?
Dream Evil- The Book of Heavy Metal… Cool, I’m gonna be e rock star

15.How does the world see you?
Helloween- Pink Bubbles Go Ape- yes I am cute and mad in the same time

16.Will you have a happy life?
Cradle of Filth- The Foetus of a New Day Kicking… every midnight

17.What do your friends really think of you?
Poets of the Fall- Someone Special- really?
18.How can I make myself happy?
Nightwish- Walking in the Air… as vrea eu

19.What should you do with your life?
The 69 Eyes- August Moon… adica sa imi fie dor de August Moon…over the seas…

About Diana

Rock concerts & tennis.
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