
DSC_3755Is a city that tells stories. They are everywhere, you just have to listen. Not all are happy or romantic, some are ugly, other are too modern to fit in a city that bears the burden of one of the most beautiful stories about a place. Every dirty corner, every tragic tale, every dark alley hold the magic of romanticism which is nothing like the pink cheesy love story that is marketed around Paris. The real one is of history, of beauty, of progress. Every piece of pavement holds the trace of a step taken with fear, courage, curiosity, love, rage. Every old building is host to a story, every window has heard a sigh, every church listened to a cry. The parks saw lovers holding hands and children playing, cemeteries heard the wailing of broken hearts. Catacombs rest the remains of people who once lived their stories in Paris.  DSC_3883And all of these are telling the tales they heard, and sometimes they do it out loud, you just have to close your eyes and listen. It may not be the most beautiful place in the world, it may not be perfect, one might not love it but you can not deny the charm of a lady in all its splendor.

About Diana

Rock concerts & tennis.
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